Monday, March 10, 2014

C4T #2

screenshot of A GeekyMomma's Blog

C4T #2, comment 1

Why I Deleted FourSquare, and You Should, Too! is my first post to comment on for C4T #2. It is written by an anonymous educator from Palm Beach County, Florida. This post is about why she deleted the popular application (or app) called "FourSquare." FourSquare allows the user to check-in to places and some places even offer special deals if you check in so many times. In this post, she talked about how FourSquare was the perfect avenue for potential stalkers. In December,the app took away the ability to privately post your check-ins. After seeing this, the educator checked other social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter for location settings. She urges readers in her blog to be careful what they post and to what audience- for their own personal safety. She also demonstrated how easy it was to get a complete stranger's information through social media. She made some very good points in her blog about always being aware about the information you share.

C4T #2, comment 2

Strengthening the Ties Withing the Blogging Community is my second post to comment on for C4T #2. It is some sort of chain type blog in which questions are asked to people who are tagged so people have an excuse to update their blog. She believes this will helpe strengthen the ties withing the blogging community because it helps bloggers get to know each other better. It also helped readers and followers get to know their bloggers better.

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